Last night we hosted the friends who gave me a copy of Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking (both volumes). In their honor, I served an (almost) entirely Julia meal:
Challah they brought from Seattle's Macrina Bakery
Potage Parmentier (potato-leek soup)
Epinards a la Mornay, gratines (creamed spinach with cheese sauce)
Chou-fleur roti a la gratine (roasted cauliflower with buttered breadcrumbs)
Mujadderah (Lentils and rice with caramelized onions and sour cream is the not-Julia dish, but I love it and this is the time of year to serve it. It's what Jacob served to Esau when E was so hungry he gave away his birthright for some pottage.)
Plenty of wine for me and grape juice for our friends
And for dessert, Les Croquets Denison (little walnut-almond cakes with French vanilla ice cream)
It was a delicious meal if I say so myself. Everyone had two helpings of cauliflower and spinach!
And I love serving Shabbat dinner the day after thanksgiving that doesn't even come close to reminding us of turkey leftovers.
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