Saturday, November 21, 2009

IMUC letter to shareholders

ImmunoCellular Therapeutics Issues Letter to Shareholders, News Release, ImmunoCellular Therapeutics (IMUC), November 19, 2009. Excerpt:
  • Signed key manufacturing agreement. The Company entered into an agreement with Formatech, Inc. for the manufacture of IMUC's cancer stem cell vaccine product candidate, ICT-121, the Company's lead product candidate that targets cancer stem cells and may have applicability to multiple types of cancer, for an upcoming clinical trial. The Phase I clinical trial of ICT-121, will target glioblastoma (brain cancer) and is expected to begin early next year, pending clearance by the FDA. ICT-121 is an "off-the-shelf" product, and this agreement calls for Formatech to prepare the vials of cancer vaccine for the clinical trial under a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) environment.
For a previous news release about this agreement, see: ImmunoCellular Therapeutics Signs Manufacturing Agreement with Formatech for Clinical Trial of ICT-121 Immunotherapy, June 24, 2009 [Formatech release][IMUC release].

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