Friday, August 14, 2009

Identification of selective inhibitors of breast CSCs in mice

New method takes aim at aggressive cancer cells, News Release, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, August 13, 2009. First paragraph:
A multi-institutional team of Boston-area researchers has discovered a chemical that works in mice to kill the rare but aggressive cells within breast cancers that have the ability to seed new tumors.
See also: First compound that specifically kills cancer stem cells found, ScienceBlog, August 13, 2009. Other news releases: [Medical News Today][ScienceDaily][EurekAlert].

A commentary: A screen for cancer killers by Elie Dolgin, Nature News, August 13, 2009. [FriendFeed entry]. First paragraph:
A new approach for identifying drugs that specifically attack cancer stem cells, the cellular culprits that are thought to start and maintain tumour growth, could change the way that drug companies and scientists search for therapies in the war against cancer.
Another commentary, Drug screening on cancer stem cells by Monya Baker (The Niche, August 14, 2009) includes links to the commentary by Elie Dolgin (see above) and to an article by Nicholas Wade (The New York Times, August 13, 2009).

The research publication that's attracting this attention is: Identification of Selective Inhibitors of Cancer Stem Cells by High-Throughput Screening by Piyush B Gupta and 6 co-authors, including Robert A Weinberg and Eric S Lander, Cell 2009(Aug 13) [Epub ahead of print].[Twitter entry][FriendFeed entry].[Abstract].

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