Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back to a more typical summer

With the onset of cooler weather (65 degrees in August?!) and even some rain last night, I have returned to my more usual summer routine. Rik is getting up early to prepare his classroom for the new school year that starts in September. That leaves me with the mornings to do my thing -- check email, shower in the new bathroom, eat breakfast and walk the dogs. Yesterday I took a two mile walk to the bank and post office and the dogs loved it. I am hopeful that if the rain stops we can go to the dog park one day this week.

I actually had a very productive morning: made a call to the contractor's billing department about the July bill, programmed the heated floor thermostat for our schedule (on at 6 AM, off at 9 AM; on at 6 PM, off at 11 PM), wrapped a wedding present, and sorted through bathroom-related papers. I even got out my latest ballot but haven't filled it in yet.

Now I am off to meetings at the synagogue and coffee with a friend. No medical stuff today. That's my kind of routine!

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