Monday, August 24, 2009

Catching up on life

We were kind of hunkered down over the weekend, waiting to see how Rik would feel for the few days after his fall.

Friday night was just us, no guests, but I did make a nice dinner and some peach ice cream from the four over-ripe peaches left. On Saturday I went to shul as usual and we had a brief visit from RIk's "other mother," S. As things turned out, Rik didn't experience great discomfort until Sunday. Vicodin helped a lot, as did a heating pad and taking a nap. I took the dogs to the off-leash park at Magnuson to let them have a romp.

I have finally gotten into the garden to do some much needed weeding. My plan is to clean everything up for fall and spread some mulch around to keep down the weeds. I seem to be able to spend an hour or so on my knees at a time, which is working out well. The tip of a finger from one of my new garden gloves tore right off, so I was forced to used to the old suede ones that aren't as flexible but are practically indestructible. The side yards are about done; now I have to get into the strawberry and raspberry patches, always a big job that I leave for last.

I am still picking tomatoes and enjoying my "fakin," lettuce and tomato sandwiches on a daily basis!

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