Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another day, another doctor

WCK had never had a nosebleed in her life, until Saturday, when she had three small nosebleeds in one day. They weren't too terrible and went away pretty quickly, in just a minute or two. I spent a lot of time Googling nosebleeds and was reassured that most nosebleeds in kids aren't serious, you should treat them with saline drops and Vaseline, and they're usually the result of a pick (or a scratch, as Jerry Seinfeld would say).

Today WCK had another small nosebleed at school, so I decided to call the doctor's office, just so I could have an actual nurse reassure me over the phone that most nosebleeds in kids aren't serious, you should treat them with saline drops and Vaseline, and they're usually the result of a pick or a scratch.

Instead, the nurse said, "Oh, I don't like the sound of this at all. You need to get her in here right away." She could get me an appointment immediately, but we'd have to see a resident and the "real" doctor afterwards. I agreed to come in, as my blood ran cold, imagining my child with some horrible bloody-nose disease. At least there was no time to sit around and Google "bloody nose disease", or who knows how much more panicked I would have become.

After two hours at the pediatrician's office, two consultations with two different doctors, and a $20 co-pay, I was reassured that most nosebleeds in kids aren't serious, you should treat them with saline drops and Vaseline, and they're usually the result of a pick or a scratch.

The lady at the front desk gave WCK a sparkly Hannah Montana sticker, and she was beyond thrilled, so at least the afternoon wasn't a total loss.

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