Today is a pretty emotional day for my little family.
Tomorrow, my youngest, will start Grade One at a new school. While that's a pretty big deal in and of itself (at least it's the same school his big brother attends), this also marks his last day at the day care housed in his old school.
My family has been involved (except for a few years between kids and when D. was in home care), with the Glebe Parents' Day Care since 1999, when S. was a toddler. It's a great day care but the staff at their First Avenue program are truly exceptional.
When S. was "emergency airlifted" out of First Avenue in Grade One, they re-opened the day care an hour early so that staff could meet him at the bus (his temporary school was further away and the school day ended earlier) for the rest of the term (from February until June).
And, earlier this year, when I needed a space to launch my book, the staff offered their wonderful facility free of charge. They decorated it so beautifully and there was even a message on a chalkboard in the washroom telling me how proud they were of me.
And those are just a couple of examples.
This past week end, D. and I made a poster-sized card with a photo of our family. We all signed it. We also made cookies (I burned the first two batches, my spouse did the baking of the last couple, as I was becoming hysterical). We also gave them a bottle of gourmet chocolate sauce to pour in their coffee.
D. and I made cards for the three teachers who hosted the book launch. I want to make scarves for all three of them but of course, only one was finished. D. had me paste photos of the scarves in the cards for the other two, so that they would know what they are getting (I made a "Lace Ribbon" scarf for J., T. is getting a "Clapotis" and, if I can manage the pattern, I want to make "Juno" for A.)
I had T. and D. deliver it all to the day care, confessing to my spouse that I am "emotional coward." Apparently, the staff and T. have decided that I am not to be let off the hook, though, so S. and I will join T. when he goes to collect D. at the day care this evening.
There might be tears.

To distract myself this, I thought I'd do this nifty little book meme that Sassymonkey wrote about at BlogHer:
"Using only books you have read this year (2009), answer these
questions. Try not to repeat a book title. It’s a lot harder than you
Here's the meme with my answers. If you haven't read enough books so far this year to answer all the questions go back as far as you need to get enough books. If you've played it on your blog leave a link so I can go visit."
I was planning to do it even before I noticed that Sassymonkey had used my book to answer one of the questions but that particularly tickled me.
Describe yourself: Dragonslayer (Bone #4, Jeff Smith)
How do you feel: What It Is (Lynda Barry)
Describe where you currently live: Three Day Road (Joseph Boyden)
If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Toronto Noir (Janine Armin and Nathaniel G. Moore, eds.)
Your favorite form of transportation: Walk Through Darkness(David Anthony Durham)
Your best friend is: Tipping The Velvet (Sarah Waters)
You and your friends are: Casting Spells (Barbara Bretton)
What’s the weather like: All the Colours Of Darkness (Peter Robinson)
You fear: The Price Of Darkness (Graham Hurley)
What is the best advice you have to give: Nobody Move (Denis Johnson)
Thought for the day: Don't Look Twice (Andrew Gross)
How I would like to die: A Good Death (Elizabeth Ironside)
My soul’s present condition: Hurry Down Sunshine (Michael Greenberg)
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