Saturday, July 4, 2009

The wandering Jews

Rik and I have spent a week with our friends the G's. As the wandering Jews, we are trying to be good house guests. The G's now call us family, so we must be successful.

Even the three dogs are getting along well!

We have enjoyed greeting one another in the morning, walking the dogs, cooking dinner together, and generally having fun. Last night after a delicious Shabbat dinner, we played Scrabble and K beat us all. (He had the first turn and got a bingo - a seven letter word - for the very first time in his life).

Tomorrow or Monday we continue on our wander and will be house-sitting for other friends while they are on vacation. It will be so quiet to have just Rik and I (and Pumpkin and Bob) after being in the lively G household for a week.

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