Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fourth of July

A few months ago, WCK and I saw a photo in a magazine of watermelon jack-o-lanterns. WCK became obsessed with the watermelon jack-o-lanterns. She asked me about them all day, every day for months. I promised her we could try some at Grandma's house on the Fourth of July. They turned out great, if I do say so myself:

Yeah, I found some patterns. I'm not that talented. One of the benefits of being a pack rat is that I found an old pumpkin-carving kit that I bought the Halloween after 9/11, when patriotic stuff was everywhere. It was even on pumpkins, apparently.

But it turns out that watermelons are much easier to cut than pumpkins, and, unlike pumpkins, you can eat the insides. WCK probably consumed an entire watermelon by herself.

We also went to a little parade, and we set off fireworks at my parents' house. We spent WCK's college fund at the fireworks store, only to have WCK claim that all fireworks were too loud and scary (even the smoke bombs), and refuse to watch them. We finally convinced her to watch from the living-room window, which actually turned out to be pretty fun.

Our neighborhood here in Kansas City always goes pretty crazy on the Fourth. I'm not sure what happened while we were gone, but Garland was still refusing to come out from under the bed when we got back. I guess you know it was a good fireworks show when cats are still scared one day later.

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