Friday, July 31, 2009

Awards for Connie Eaves and John Dick

Canadian stem cell researchers Eaves and Dick to receive hematology awards, Michael Rudnicki, Stem Cell Network blog, July 31, 2009. Excerpts:
Connie Eaves, PhD, of the BC Cancer Agency, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, will be presented with the Henry M. Stratton Medal, which honors an individual whose well-recognized contributions to hematology have taken place over a period of several years. Dr. Eaves will receive this award for her remarkable achievements in the area of stem cell biology for more than two decades. Dr. Eaves has been on the cutting edge of adapting or introducing technologies related to stem cell biology, especially her ground-breaking techniques of using the long-term culture system as means of understanding the proliferative and renewal properties of normal and malignant primitive human hematopoietic stem cells.
John E. Dick, PhD, of the University Health Network in Toronto, will be recognized with the E. Donnall Thomas Lecture and Prize for his pioneering research into the development of human leukemia, which has transformed the view of how leukemia progresses. This prize, named after a Nobel Prize laureate and past Society president, recognizes pioneering research achievements in hematology.
These summaries were obtained from: Six Researchers to Receive Prestigious Awards From the American Society of Hematology, Press Release, American Society of Hematology, July 13, 2009.

Comment: Very appropriate recognition of accomplishments in hematological research that have included important contributions to cancer research.

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