Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lecture on stem cells and cancer

The 2009 Summer Symposium of the David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research of MIT was on Understanding Metastasis. The Symposium was held on June 19, 2009. One of the lectures in the morning session was on "Stem cells and cancer", by Sean Morrison (University of Michigan) [FriendFeed entry]. A video (35 min) of the lecture can be accessed via the program. One example of a noteworthy slide is the one that's shown for 10 seconds, from 28:38 to 28:48 (entitled: "Nobody has yet tested which cells actually contribute to disease in patients"), in which it's pointed out that the "Fate of cells within patients is unclear ...".

Another lecture, at the same Symposium, addresses this issue (within the context of the theme of the Symposium, "Understanding Metastasis"). It's "Monitoring the fate of cancer cells during metastasis", by Ann Chambers (Regional Cancer Center, London, Ontario). A video (25 min) of her lecture can also be accessed via the program.

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