Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Leukemia SC cloak themselves to avoid detection

Leukemia cells evade immune system by mimicking normal cells, Stanford study shows by Krista Conger, News Release, Stanford University Medical Center, July 23, 2009. First sentence:
Human leukemia stem cells escape detection by co-opting a protective molecular badge used by normal blood stem cells to migrate safely within the body, according to a pair of studies by researchers at Stanford University Medical School.
See also: Molecule Helps Leukemia Cells Hide From Immune System, Drugs.com, July 23, 2009. First sentence:
Leukemia stem cells cleverly cloak themselves to avoid detection by a person's immune system, according to a pair of studies by researchers at Stanford University Medical School.
And: Leukemia cells evade immune system by mimicking normal cells, Stanford studies show, EurekAlert, July 23, 2009.

The two articles upon which the news releases are based:

1) CD47 Is Upregulated on Circulating Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Leukemia Cells to Avoid Phagocytosis by Siddhartha Jaiswal, Catriona H M Jamieson and 7 co-authors, including Irving L Weissman, Cell 2009(Jul 23); 138(2): 271-85. [PubMed Citation].

2) CD47 Is an Adverse Prognostic Factor and Therapeutic Antibody Target on Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells by Ravindra Majeti and 7 co-authors, including Irving L Weissman, Cell 2009(Jul 23); 138(2): 286-99. [PubMed Citation][FriendFeed entry].

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