Sunday, July 19, 2009

Exercise today!

I got more exercise today than I have had since my hospital discharge in May. Yes, I walk the dogs every day, and pick the fruits of our garden, water the plants etc. But today I walked the two miles around Seattle's Greenlake with nary a twitch of discomfort. (The fact that I had premedicated with half of a vicodin may have had something to do with it.)

I brought Bob the Cavalier along and he panted a lot in the heat but seemed to enjoy the unusually long walk.

We joined friends for a yummy Chinese dinner at our favorite place, Chiang's Gourmet on Lake City Way. Only the best Chinese food outside of the International District! I think they are trying to improve their service, which has always been spotty at best. We were asked to complete a brief survey. And the waiters were terrific about bringing each dish piping hot from the kitchen as it was ready. We had vegetarian spare ribs (made with taro, I think), vegetarian hot and sour soup, tea smoked duck, moo shu beef, sauteed green beans, green onion pancake, and handmade noodles. It was all delicious and fed eight people for under $75, with a small amount of leftovers to bring home for our hosts' daughter. Yum!

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