Monday, July 6, 2009


I woke up today feeling just fine. Took a shower, stripped the linens off the bed in preparation for our move to the next place, got out clean clothes, closed the window against the draft of cold air (we are back to usual Seattle weather now) and IMMEDIATELY felt that the room was spinning, for no apparent reason.

I've had vertigo once before, after my first treatment of zometa, and it made me seriously dizzy for about an hour. This seemed to be worse. I could barely stand, staggered down the hall to get Rik, and sat upright in a kitchen chair in the hope that eating a piece of dry bread would help settle me. No dice. Even a cute one egg omelet made by K didn't help, but did taste good.

I staggered back down the hall to the sofa, cuddled up under the comforter and dozed for several hours. Finally around noon-thirty I woke up, felt hungry, and decided the vertigo was gone enough to dress and make something to eat (macaroni and cheese, my favorite comfort food).

It was a most disconcerting morning. I hope the vertigo is gone for good!

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