Monday, May 18, 2009

You are getting VERRRY sleepy - More EOS talk

Each day I'm more energetic and more active. My cough, however, persists, and I'm still breathless after climbing a flight of stairs. (I only wish that I was breath-taking, instead of breathless.)

At the risk of inducing naps, I found out something surprising during today's visit at the City of Hope. We have been regularly checking my white blood for eosinophils (EOS), and, of course, expect to find nothing. After all, I've been on a high dose of Prednisone (60 mg.), a steroid that efficiently annihilates EOS.

But, for some unknown reason, mine are on the rise again. Last Monday, EOS made up 10% of my white blood, when it should have been nada. How can this be? My suspicion is that those same EOS have crept into my lungs. I'm scheduled for a CT scan and pulmonary testing on Wednesday and a consultation with my pulmonologist on Thursday. I'm voting for a diagnostic bronchoscopy so that we can get to the bottom of this.

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