Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm not alone

I realized this morning that I'd once again forgotten to post my monthly New Kids on the Block tribute on the 11th. In my defense, I was at Mayo that day, but is that really a good excuse? If I truly loved them, if I was truly a devoted fan, maybe I would have remembered, even while I was having blood sucked from my body. I started thinking that maybe the magic was gone; maybe I needed to end my monthly vigil.

Then, this afternoon, I remembered that I had an episode of the Today Show still in the TiVo from last week. One of my friends had alerted me via Facebook that the New Kids were scheduled to appear that day, but I didn't get the message until 15 minutes before the show was over. I set the TiVo anyway, not expecting anything. I finally checked it, and it turns out that I caught them just in time.

It's a sign from the Universe. The vigil must continue. Plus, look at all of the women who showed up at the Today Show. I'm not the only crazy one out there! There are hundreds like me!

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