Saturday, May 30, 2009


Today I celebrate,

Today Raegan has a birthday so I celebrate, I also celebrate the home going of my father who passed away on this day last year. Reflecting on the events of a year ago, I was at a lung cancer advocacy seminar in Chicago this time last year when I got the call about my father. I knew one day the call about his passing would come, I wondered who would make the call... the call came from my mother. She told me he passed peacefully and at home. Upon hearing this news I was not as prepared as I thought I was despite all the life and death I had since over the past three years. After the initial shock I was relieved that he was at peace, he didn't have to suffer anymore, and he could now be with his heavenly father.

On this day I also strolled into the ICU where Bo was being treated before he got his double / double (second transplant). Keep fighting BJ and Family.

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