Friday, May 15, 2009

Another early morning

I'm still getting up three or four times every night, to pee and eat something. Last night I decided to post to Facebook on every awakening. So my FB friends go to see my 2 AM and 4 AM snacks and to read (if they were awake) about my first breakfast.

I continue to remain mesmerized by food. I want to talk about food when I'm not eating and eat when I'm not talking about it. Our fridge is still well-stocked with food delivered by friends -- rice pudding, applesauce, chicken soup, cake. Friends are bringing Shabbat dinner tonight (fish, mashed potatoes, white bread challah and chocolate pudding).

I love that the cooks asked what I wanted and what did I have a craving for. To be involved in the food preparation by being asked for my preferences makes me feel more human.

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