Friday, November 7, 2008

procrastination pays off

If you've been reading this blog for a while, you may remember this blanket. Some of you occasionally ask me about it.

I have never sown it together. All 120 pieces still sit in a big basket in my bedroom.
Sometimes, I refer to it as my 120 potholders.

This blanket, however, has recently served to teach me a valuable lesson.

Last week end, I was fortunate to spend some time with my friends Jacqueline and John in Philadelphia (they came all the way from New York to hang out with me). During our visit, we talked a bit about my book. I told them that I was feeling lukewarm about the cover design (we were considering stepping stones. I loved the idea we were trying to convey of an unfinished journey but was finding the image a bit new agey). Both of my friends gave it the thumbs down.

I asked if they had any other ideas and Jacqueline asked if I had an image that was more personal, that meant something to me (and to which I owned the rights) that I could use.

I was doubtful.

That night, after we went back to our respective hotel rooms, Jacqueline went into my Flickr images and came up with an amazing concept:
"i love the metaphors for:
the optical illusions of the patterns
the imperfections
the coming together
possibility of
the warmth
and comfort.
the perspective of the image implies a path but the image is more personal and ALL YOURS."
She had made three different mock-ups from the photo above that included my title and name.

I love it!

My editor loves it.

The design/marketing team love it.

There was only one problem. The photo isn't high resolution enough to use, so I have to re-take some pics this week end.

The moral of this story? Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off for a whole year.

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