Thursday, November 27, 2008

Two advance online CSHSQB articles

1) Role of "Cancer Stem Cells" and Cell Survival in Tumor Development and Maintenance by Jerry Adams and 5 co-authors, including Andreas Strasser, Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 2008(Nov 6) [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed Abstract:
One critical issue for cancer biology is the nature of the cells that drive the inexorable growth of malignant tumors. Reports that only rare cell populations within human leukemias seeded leukemia in mice stimulated the now widely embraced hypothesis that only such "cancer stem cells" maintain all tumor growth. However, the mouse microenvironment might instead fail to support the dominant human tumor cell populations. Indeed, on syngeneic transplantation of mouse lymphomas and leukemias, we and other investigators have found that a substantial proportion (>10%) of their cells drive tumor growth. Thus, dominant clones rather than rare cancer stem cells appear to sustain many tumors. Another issue is the role of cell survival in tumorigenesis. Because tumor development can be promoted by the overexpression of prosurvival genes such as bcl-2, we are exploring the role of endogenous Bcl-2-like proteins in lymphomagenesis. The absence of endogenous Bcl-2 in mice expressing an Em, u-myc transgene reduced mature B-cell numbers and enhanced their apoptosis, but unexpectedly, lymphoma development was undiminished or even delayed. This suggests that these tumors originate in an earlier cell type, such as the pro-B or pre-B cell, and that the nascent neoplastic clones do not require Bcl-2 but may instead be protected by a Bcl-2 relative.
2) Neural and Cancer Stem Cells in Tumor Suppressor Mouse Models of Malignant Astrocytoma by S Alcantara Llaguno and 3 co-authors, including Luis F Parada, Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 2008(Nov 6) [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed Abstract:
Malignant astrocytomas are highly invasive brain tumors that portend poor prognosis and dismal survival. Mouse models that genetically resemble the human malignancy provide insight into the nature and pathogenesis of these cancers. We previously reported tumor suppressor mouse models based on conditional inactivation of human astrocytoma-relevant genes p53, Nf1, and Pten. These mice develop, with full penetrance, varying grades of astrocytic malignancy that recapitulate the human condition histologically and molecularly. Our studies indicate a central role for neural stem cells and stem-cell-like cancer cells in tumor initiation and progression. These mouse models thus represent powerful tools for investigating various aspects of tumor development that otherwise cannot be explored in humans. Further studies will provide a better understanding of the biology of these tumors and will hopefully pave the way for more effective therapeutic approaches for these devastating diseases.
2008 Speaker Interviews are freely accessible, but the articles are not.

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