Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hummus hands and other Halloween treats

Our Halloween was great! We had beautiful weather, so we could trick-or-treat coat-free!

In the morning, I took WCK to a theater in Union Station to see Busytown. This was a play for preschoolers based on Richard Scarry's books. I remember my mom taking me to plays all the time when I was little, so I was excited to take WCK to her first play. We all love Richard Scarry at our house, too. WCK seemed to enjoy it very much -- except for one brief part with firefighters. Apparently firefighters are scary in any form, even when they are wearing animal ears and singing a cute song about putting out a pretend fire.

Later, I tried to make a creative, healthy, pre-trick-or-treat meal. I made these pumpkin oranges ...

... which were filled with fruit cocktail. You were supposed to chop up the orange innards and put them back in, I mushed them up so badly taking them out that I was only left with juice. The cocktail worked, though.

These carrots are supposed to look like a disembodied hand rising up out of hummus "dirt". Maybe if you squint really hard.

And the main course ... pizza mummies! Woo hoo! Of course, WCK only ate the eyes.

After the mummy meal, WCK put on her bumblebee costume, and we hit the neighborhood. We were able to do a few more houses than we did last year. After we got home, though, WCK became OBSESSED with handing out candy to other kids. I think that was more fun for her than the trick-or-treating. She stood at the window yelling, "Come to our house, people!!" I let her eat one little bag of Sour Patch Kids, and she was absolutely wired. We finally got her to sleep around 10 p.m.

This morning, we discovered that the Great Pumpkin had been to our house. He took away about half of WCK's candy and left a toy in its place. I love that Great Pumpkin. He's my favorite fictional character.

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