Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Browsing the International Cancer Research Portfolio

The Canadian Cancer Research Alliance has joined the International Cancer Research Portfolio (ICRP). Excerpt from the ICRP website: "Cancer research funders from several countries have joined in a partnership to classify their research portfolios in a common manner". The partners in the ICRP currently include major funders in the US, the UK, and Canada.

The database can be searched in various ways. For example, an Advanced Search can be carried out for the exact phrase "cancer stem cells" in the titles and abstracts of awards made in Canada, by all of the participating Canadian funding organizations, in the years 2007-2008, for all types of cancer, all areas of research and all types of projects. The results obtained for this search:
11 Total Awards
Year = 2008; 2007
This exact phrase = cancer stem cells
Country = Canada
Funding Organization = Canada
For 6 these 11 awards, the funding organization was the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). For the remaining 5, the funding organization was the National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC). (Note that, at present, some organizations in Canada that provide support for cancer-related research, but within a broader mandate, are not participants in the ICRP. These include some members of the Cancer Stem Cell Consortium: The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Genome Canada and The Stem Cell Network).

An analogous search can be carried out for the exact phrase "cancer stem cells" in the titles and abstracts of awards made in California, by all of the participating US funding organizations, in the years 2007-2008, for all types of cancer, all areas of research and all types of projects. The results obtained:
25 Total Awards
Year = 2008; 2007
State = California
This exact phrase = cancer stem cells
Country = United States
Funding Organization = United States
An analogous search, for awards made by funding organizations in the US, to all states in the US, yielded a total of 89 awards. Of these, those states receiving more than 2 awards were CA (25, see above); MA (13); NY (11); TX (11); MD (6) and PA (4).

An analogous search for awards made by funding agencies in the UK, to all of the UK, yielded a total of 3 awards.

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