Friday, January 11, 2008

So . . . When's the (discharge) date?

ISDK (I still don't know.)

Doesn't this bring you back to the pre-auto-stem-cell-transplant waiting game when I had no idea when I'd be hunkered down for my month-long stay?

My temperature and blood pressure are normal, my chest X-rays look relatively clean, and I'm feeling a little stronger every day. The problem is that I'm still a long way from feeling back to my "old self." You remember "her" - that wild and crazy Susan who could go to the bathroom without an oxygen tank.

I saw Dr. Dunst, my pulmonologist, yesterday and asked him why my body still feels so ravaged. He said that I'm like a house that's just been on fire. Something (we still aren't sure what) clearly created the devastation. The flames are no longer burning, but the evidence - the destruction, charring and ashes - are obvious. It takes time to rebuild. Just call me "this old house."

Dr. Dunst did not share with me that he heard a heart murmur. Dr. Forman broke this to me this morning and said that he's sending up a cardiologist to listen to my heart today. I'm trying to remain calm about this, if for no other reason than to keep from hyper-ventilating.

One benchmark for discharge will be the ability to walk more than a few feet without oxygen. We didn't even discuss the blood counts, which are continuing to slip slightly each day.

The boredom is slipping away, and I'm working hard to not let it be replaced by another emotion.

VERY POSTIVE UPDATE (1:40 PM): I just received an email from Dr. Forman, who was impressed with the looks of today's chest X-ray. A discharge of "early next week" looks entirely feasible. YAHOO!

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