Monday, January 14, 2008

Long Island Gynecologic Oncologists. P.C. Forced To Close Their Doors due to inadequate reimbursements and rising costs.

Janet Grossman's husband interviews Dayna McCauley of LIGO regarding the closing of LIGO.
Dear Folks,
I'm the husband of Janet Grossman. We have been on the Ovarian
Problems Discussion List since Janet was diagnosed and operated on two
years ago for ovarian cancer (Stage 3C). Since the operation at Stony Brook
University Medical Center, Janet has been treated -- superbly -- at Long
Island Gynecologic Oncologists (LIGO) in Smithtown, N.Y.
The news that LIGO is being forced to close at the end of the year
due to financial problems -- largely the inadequate reimbursement for
chemotherapy by Medicare and private health insurers -- caused me to do a
TV program starting with this terrible situation, and including other
health care outrages. I'm a journalism professor at the State University of
New York and also am active in print and TV journalism.
The program has just been aired on WVVH-TV in New York and the
station has put it up on YouTube.
The YouTube link is:


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