Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Going Home to MTown!

The thing about people with cancer is that they're sometimes prone to spontaneity. It's kinda like you're thinking, "Shit, I better do this now cuz who knows if/when I'll be able to do that again." On the first day of 2008, I was obsessed with that thought. So finally, I decided it's been too long since I've gone home.

Of course, since the kids were born, trips home have included the whole family. But school is starting next week, and even though they're three and four years old, the kids have lives of their own which I don't want to interrupt. They really like going to preschool, ballet, and all the other stuff. Henry will start teaching as well. And really, I kinda wanted this to be a short trip by myself.

And now's the time. My last chemo is next week, and soon after, I will start radiation. Once radiation starts, I can't really go anywhere for five weeks (not like I'd want to, I've become such a homebody). I really miss my family and want to see them, so I'm off to Mifflintown Jan. 17-23. If you're in the area, come see me! Let's hang out!

I'm excited to go home, but also part of my heart wants to stay at home with the comfort of my kids and husband and bed and massage chair. But I'm sure they'll do fine without me for a few days.

So to the country it is. Back to the fatherland.

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