Sunday, January 13, 2008

Headlines from Hope

  • NO Aortic Infection: The weekend cardiologist stopped in yesterday to let me know that the results of my echo cardiogram were more "legible" this time. Conclusion: I don't have a bacterial infection, I won't need to have the invasive transesophogeal electrocardiogram and I won't need to be on antibiotics. What about that murmur? Just a simple, unrelated, non-threatening mitral valve prolapse.
  • Breathing Improving: I can breathe in comfort without my oxygen tube for longer periods. A trip to the bathroom and shower requires a one-minute, not a one-hour, recovery period. And, just for fun, I did a few easy laps around the bathroom yesterday and didn't collapse. These are major improvements.
  • Monday Discharge?: I brought this up with Dr. Snyder, my weekend doctor (and associate director of the hematology department), and he said it was not an unrealistic goal.
  • Three Cheers for the Team: I've met six of the doctors on "Team Susan." They have, without exception, been competent, caring and compassionate. Best of all, they seem to continuously communicate with one another (and with me) about my case. Even though they haven't had all the "answers," I've felt confident that I've been getting the best and most timely of care.
  • "Simon, Theodore, ALVIN!": You'll have to go see Alvin if you're in the mood for puffy-cheeked chipmunks. In spite of five days of 'roids, I still (knock cheeks) don't look as if I'm squirrelling acorns. But I have had enough of an appetite boost to put me just a few nuts short of consuming a full plate of hospital food. That's a major improvement and accomplishment. And I'm grateful that the 'roids haven't kept me from sleeping like a baby every night.

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