Saturday, May 14, 2011


We are leaving for Washington DC tomorrow, our latest family vacation.  I'm glad we do that,we have a tradition of taking a week every year to go somewhere else as a family.  My kids are adults now, but still like our family time.  Lots of adventures!

Washington DC was my idea.  I've been there twice...once for an AACR conference and once to work on Capitol Hill with the PEW Foundation.  I'd never wanted to go to interest in politics or history, but the first time I went for the AACR conference, I fell in love with the city.  There are so many stories and so much trivia about the city that is fascinating. Twenty Smithsonian museums, all free.  It's a beautiful and clean city, with sculpture gardens and works of art everywhere.  I decided my husband and kids need to see DC at least once in their lifetime!  The last two times I missed the U.S. Horticultural Gardens and the Nation Zoo...we'll see them this trip...giant pandas!  I love that you can almost cross the streets and be in a different state.

We fly out tomorrow.  Another cool thing is that my ten year cancer-free anniversary will be while we are there...on the 16th.  Best way to celebrate it with the people who mean the most to me!  Can you believe I'm almost  decade past a terminal diagnosis???

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