Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Is this chemo combo making me stupid?

Okay, maybe I've overdone it the past few days. I had evening activities Tuesday and Wednesday (and more on Thursday and Friday). I'm trying to live my life -- stay connected, run errands, meet a friend for lunch. But I feel as though this Abraxane/Avastin combo makes me both stupid and tired, as though I am running at 50% of normal.


At last night's meeting I had some trouble making coherent sentences. My typing has been a little incoherent, so I've had to redo most of my computer interactions. At rehearsal tonight, I had difficulty concentrating on song words, even for the songs I know by heart.


It seems like I am tired all the time. Not necessarily sleepy at bedtime, but constantly run down. Last night I was so tired I stumbled around the house, trying to get ready for bed, but I couldn't fall asleep. (And then I had massive foot cramps every hour, all night long. Okay, maybe lack of sleep is affecting me too.) I hit a wall this afternoon at 3 PM and fell sound asleep on the sofa.

And Monday's was only the first dose of this chemo combo.

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