Sunday, May 8, 2011

Trying to enjoy the moment

I woke up Saturday morning feeling great. (I think it had to do with the sleeping pill I took Friday night.) At any rate, I visited a friend in the hospital, went to synagogue, came home and CRASHED with a massive nap. Upon awakening, we ate dinner and then did a small sopping expedition. By the time we came home around 930 PM, I was wobbly on my feet again. By the time we got into bed, I was tired but could not sleep until almost 2 AM.

I guess I should report all these symptoms to the nurses on Monday when I get chemo. Maybe they can tell me if the side effects are related to the chemo combo or tapering off the antidepressants. That's been a week now and I still get the not-quite-vertigo feeling when I move my head too quickly.

I feel more energetic today but still have that creepy sense that the world is spinning even when I am not moving. Rik and I worked in the garden together, me mostly trimming hedges and deadheading the early tulips while he added compost to the raised beds and the strawberries. We have both afternoon and evening plans, a rare occurrence, and I am looking forward to living in the moment and enjoying visits with friends. Chemo planned for tomorrow.

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