Saturday, May 21, 2011

Komen Race for the Cure

Okay, I registered for the Komen Race for the Cure. Despite the sea of pink and my issues with Komen's lower of support of research (25% of dollars raised locally) vs. focus on early detection (75%), Rik and I will walk with the Hadassah Heelers on June 5.

You can make a donation on my personal page by clicking here

Almost as soon as I posted the news to Facebook, I got a notice that I had already received one donation! Thank you M for your support. All others: I do really believe that there are better places to donate that fund larger dollar amounts and percentages to breast cancer research for a cure. (See my post Pinktober.) But Komen is the 600 pound gorilla of breast cancer advocacy, and they are worth supporting if indeed they can find a cure.

Especially in time for me to benefit from it.

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