Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day three post-Adriamycin

My personal engine has been revving practically non-stop since receiving 12 mg of Decadron (a steroid) before Monday's chemo. I slept fitfully on Monday night, had plenty of energy on Tuesday to attend four hours' worth of meetings and talk on the phone all evening. I slept better on Tuesday night but woke at 3 AM and was unable to get back to sleep until about 7 AM, then slept until past 9:00. I will report this to Dr G and ask if he will consider reducing the steroid dose back to 8 mg, which is what I received with the Doxil.

I expect some kind of a crash later in the week as the steroids and the long-acting anti-nausea med wear off. I will take the third of three doses of Emend later this morning. If I experience any nausea tomorrow or later, I do have plenty of other anti-nausea meds, plus ginger ale and ginger tea, on hand. I've started carrying the anti-nausea meds and ginger tea bags in my purse again, just in case.

In the meantime it's been pleasant but weird to feel a more normal amount of energy. I have been talking and typing extra fast, although chemo brain still insinuates itself on occasion when I can't think of the specific word I need.

The sun is out after a whole day of cold and rain yesterday, I took a walk with Bobka the Dogka, and hope to have lunch with a friend. That's a good day.

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