Friday, September 17, 2010

Comedy Night for Cancer

Last night two friends B & D and my D & I went out to the 2nd annual Don Neil’s Comedy Night in Sherwood Park, just east of Edmonton. We got there in time to buy some raffle tickets and to have a look at some of the silent auction items available. They had about 30 really nice items available, everything from dinner for 12 at the Canadian Brew House to jewelry, to gift certificates. As we were walking around the foyer, we came across a black labrador retriever. We later found out it was a therapy dog called Lando along with his handler Carla Rugg, a music therapist. They team up to offer music therapy to cancer patients at the Norwood Palliative Care Center.

The MC for the evening was Don’s brother Graham Neil who started this event in memory of his brother Don who passed away from cancer last year. The evening began with a funny musical act called The Be Arthurs. Three guys dressed in bright zany outfits … and man could they play and sing. Then we were entertained by a whole slew of local volunteer comedians including Andrew Grose, Howie Miller, Atomic Improv, Sean Lecomber and Lars Calleou. Sure was entertaining to hear jokes about things going on around our city. 

The show was a good 3 hours long and I have to say, we enjoyed every minute of it.

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