Saturday, September 18, 2010


I am in Baltimore, Maryland right now for tomorrow's "Heat it to Beat It" walk, a walk to raise research funds and to raise awareness for the use of heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy. It is sponsored by Mercy Hospital and many patients and families of Dr. Armando Sardi. I will finally get to meet Dr. Sardi tonight! I hope to meet patients I've communicated with since their diagnosis at the walk also.

I travel more as I've gotten more involved in cancer advocacy and involved a bit in the political arena. In the past couple of years I've been to DC twice, San Diego, and now Maryland. I will be in Miami in about a week for another conference. I usually add a day to the trip to do site-seeing on my own, today was my Baltimore sight-seeing day. My daughter teases me that I christen a new city by getting lost in it, which I usually do (I have a very poor sense of direction). I get lost walking (I do always eventually find my way back after a few miles of walking), but I'm really good at public transportation. I've done the trains and subways in NYC, Chicago, DC and now Maryland with no mistakes so far! I love public transportation in major cities. Baltimore has a great light rail system, and for $3.50, you can get an all day pass to ride the train and buses anywhere. Fun thing is they don't check (unlike Chicago) to see if you purchased a ticket. It's kind of on the honor system, but they do do spot checks for tickets, and if you are found riding without one, you are fined $500. So most seem to buy the tickets for insurance against the fine.  Another great thing here is that my hotel gives free complementary transportation to and from the nearest two train stops, so you can really go anywhere without a car.

Sculpture over the

The Science Museum
I spent most of the day in the Inner Harbor. I'll insert come pictures I took here! The center of Baltimore is a large harbor with access to the Atlantic Ocean.   The area has museums (see right), lots of restaurants and shops, also boat tours of the harbor.  I took one of the boat tours, which was pretty inexpensive and nice.  Above is a picture of a sculpture over the harbor.  
Ritz Carlton Condos on the Harbor

Will be back hopefully tomorrow with pictures from the walk!

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