Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blogger stats

Every so often I read up on what's new with Blogger, the site that hosts my blog. Today I saw that it's now tracking statistics since May. Here are some of the most interesting ones I've found:

There have been 9,621 page views since May 2010.

I have readers in the US, Canada, Hungary, UK, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, France, Iceland and South Korea. You know who you are!

Quite a few people found my blog through, a list for women with metastatic breast cancer. And of course plenty of people find me through Google.

Most people are using Windows (no surprise there) but some are Mac users and a few read my blog through their iPad, iPhone or other mobile device.

A small number of people found my blog by searching for my friend Josh Isaac's z"l blog. Zichrono l'vracha, may his memory be a blessing.

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