Thursday, July 1, 2010

We're back!

OK, I'm finally back. After our trip to Mayo, we continued on a two-week family vacation to Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois. First, Jay ran a marathon in Duluth, Minn. We were very proud of him. There he goes:

Then we spent four days at one of my favorite places on the face of the earth, Mackinac Island, Michigan:

I took about 10,000 photos that all look like this, but can you really blame me?

And not only does Mackinac Island look beautiful, you can find a fudge shop every few feet on its main street. It's everything I could possibly ask for in a travel destination.

Anyway, that's just a brief recap of where we were. I hope to get back into the swing of blogging soon, as soon as I finish going through fudge detox.

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