Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 5 post-treatment

On Tuesday I had the Neulasta shot to boost my white blood cell count. On Wednesday evening I developed some back pain that may or may not be related to the joint pain side effect I was told I might experience. So I called the onc, and took Vicodin, and took Vicodin, and took Vicodin. Even on Thursday evening my neck was stiff and uncomfortable. Today it seems better.

I felt the beginnings of nausea last night and this morning as well. They tell you to take the anti-nausea meds at the first sign of an upset tummy so that it can act before you feel really ill, which I did promptly as soon as I realized that what I was experiencing was nausea.

Yesterday I met with a new shrink at the Cancer Institute (my former psychiatrist is no longer in practice). Thankfully Pacificare Behavioral Health allowed an exception for me to see Dr. Dobie, and now I believe she is on their list of preferred providers. She asked me five pages of questions from her "get to know you" assessment. We agreed that she would be a good fit for me, and that I need one more tool in my cancer toolbox.

I wanted to see a shrink because no matter how wonderful a support group can be, you still have to share the focus with the other people in the group. In our 45 minute sessions, Dr. Dobie is there only for me. I don't have to worry about hogging the limelight or talking too much.

She recommended increasing the Zoloft by another 25 mg in order to improve my sleep (insomnia is a problem with depression) and told me that I could take Ativan to get better sleep any time.

Last night, between the Vicodin, the anti-nausea drug and the Ativan, I got the best night's sleep I've had in days. That's certainly a step in the right direction.

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