Saturday, July 10, 2010

Chemo Yesterday

My chemo cycle is two weeks on and one week off but because of Canada Day, my last treatment was two weeks ago. The break left me feeling pretty good … I dare say almost normal. So when D and I pulled up to the clinic it was like ugg, here we go again. I quickly snapped myself out of that “woe is me” feeling when I thought of how limited my options really are. I figured that I better be happy while I’m still able to receive treatment.

As usual, things went really well. My dose of Vinorelbine gives minor side effects … a tiny bit of nausea and some dizziness. I liken it to having a stiff drink but not in a good way. I ended the day feeling pretty good and fell asleep shortly after my head hit the pillow.

I woke up a couple of times during the nite feeling hot and sweaty. I think the house is a little on the warm side from the weather we are having. 

Woke up this morning feeling a bit slow but overall really good after coffee.

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