Thursday, July 8, 2010

Good to go for Chemo

This morning I went in for blood work for tomorrow’s chemo and boy oh boy, the lab was really lined up. So for something to do, I eavesdropped on other people’s conversations. I guess I wasn’t the only one because once the conversation turned to the high cost of parking around here; quite a few people piped up and shared their opinions. It was all kind of funny.

After my lab work was done I headed over to see my new Onc. His nurse called me into the exam room and said, “Dr. S was in for me,” as my regular Onc is on Mat leave, “and she also said that my regular Onc was in for a visit and she asked how I was doing.” Wow, I thought that was pretty nice, her wanting to know how I was doing, I really think she is the best Onc in town.

Once the nurse and I were done talking about how the last couple of weeks had gone … my Onc came in and asked if I had any lumps or bumps that needed checking. I said, nope, they’re all inside me. He did a quick physical exam and said I was good to go for chemo tomorrow.

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