Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back to the usual

Yesterday was a return to the usual -- saw a doctor, ran errands, bought groceries, and had a two hour nap. It was very cool in Seattle again. The thermometer barely broke 60 degrees. Hard to believe this is summer.

My primary care doc asked me to take the depression assessment again and after two weeks on Zoloft I have lowered my score from 15 (moderately severe depression) to 9 (moderate depression). So evidently the 50 mg dose of Zoloft is working, although I personally believe that just getting a medical professional to listen to me and write a prescription was half the battle. I'll stay on it for a while.

After a week away we were in need of major groceries. Since we were already downtown we went to Big John's Pacific Food Importers where we bought farro (a low-carb carbohydrate that you cook like rice, very yummy) and assorted imported delights such as Bulgarian feta cheese and ajvar (roasted red pepper puree), fresh filo, sour cherry syrup to mix into seltzer, smoked gouda cheese, etc. I don't go there often but when I do I always have fun! Spanakopita for dinner tonight.

Then off to the main supermarket where kosher poultry was on sale so we stocked up on chicken and turkey thighs to put in the freezer. I am looking forward to a barbecue soon.

One bit of good news is that Sky, the care rep. at Pacificare Behavioral Health who has been advocating for me, put in for an "accommodation" for me to be able to see a psychiatrist at the Swedish Cancer Institute, who was not one of their in-network providers. She is cautiously optimistic that the request will be approved and I await notification in the mail.

I promise I will post about our vacation soon, but am off to yet another doctor this morning, followed by a visit to see a dying friend and a meeting this afternoon. Perhaps I can get to the photos tonight.

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