Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Cancer Magazine

I received this email from the Alberta Cancer Foundation and I thought I'd share it with you ...

Leap Magazine is online

We're extremely proud to announce the debut of Leap magazine, an Alberta Cancer Foundation publication. Leap magazine is designed to ensure that as we learn more, you do, too. We hope you enjoy our first edition and will continue to find Leap a rich source of up-to-date, credible information on how you can be part of Alberta's cancer-free movement.

Why Leap? Because 16,000 Albertans will be newly diagnosed with cancer this year. For them, one step at a time just isn't fast enough. At the Alberta Cancer Foundation, we make just one promise to donors -- progress. With your help, we believe we can progress in leaps and bounds.

Click here to go to the Leap magazine website.

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