Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This and That

Yesterday was a busy day. I visited C from the Second Cup Coffee group. She hasn’t been well enough to join us so lately and I thought I’d stop by her place and visit. She has a lovely back yard on a ravine. There we had tea and cookies and enjoyed all the birds using the bird bath. Hope you can soon join us at Second Cup C.

Then I spent the remainder of the day with family. My sister is visiting from the States and my niece and nephew and their newest little one are in from BC. Wow the family sure is getting big.

It must have been a bit too exciting of day for me because my sleep last night wasn’t great. I woke up numerous times. I had some breakfast and watched a bit of TV and still felt ‘grumpy’.

So I decided to take a couple of Tylenol and hopped back in bed. Two hours later, I woke up feeling so much better; I can’t even tell ya. Then D was staring at the ceiling and said, “That’s good you had a great sleep because you were snoring so loud, I thought I’d find cracks in the ceiling.” Too Funny!

Anyways, I’m feeling good and ready to face the day.

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