Yeah, my M-spike is up to 3.6. I want to stress that, even though 3.6 freaks me out a little, Dr. H says she is NOT AT ALL FREAKED OUT BY THIS. She said she totally understands how it would freak me out to watch it move from 1.7 to 3.6 in a year's time, but she sees myeloma patients all day, every day, and she's seen people who move from 1.7 to 3.6 in one week's time, so I'm actually doing very well. All of my other numbers are fine. I'm a teeny bit anemic, but, again, not enough to freak out Dr. H.
That said, she also thinks it's time to start thinking about some drugs again, probably within the next couple of months, just to be on the safe side. I have a few options. One is to return to Revlimid, either with or without the dex (I vote for without). The other is to enroll in a clinical trial of pomalidomide plus dex at the Mayo Clinic. If you read my highly scientific and insightful posts about ASCO, you already know that pomalidomide is Revlimid: The Next Generation:

I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. On the one hand, pomalidomide is supposed to be a better drug, with fewer side effects than Rev, and I would get it for free, since I'd be on a clinical trial. On the other hand, I feel like I should exhaust the Revlimid (which was still working for me when I quit), before I move on to the next drug. Plus, I'd have to go to Mayo once a month for the pomalidomide trial, and I'd be required to take it with dex, at least at the beginning. With the Rev, I have the option to try it without dex to see if it worked alone.
Decisions, decisions. What would Bon Jovi do?
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