Tuesday, June 29, 2010

PICC Line Covers R - us

I just got back from having coffee with RJ, one of my knitting group buddies. She is an amazing knitter and whipped up this PICC line cover for me. Not only does it look great but if fits real good too.

RJ is going to send me the pattern that she created just in her head. And I’m going to go out and get one more set of circular knitting needles to see if I can whip up something similar.

I’ve been trying different sizes of knitting needles and different types of yarn and still haven’t come up with something that works for me. I guess I just don’t have that creative gene. Somehow making these PICC line covers has become more of a challenge for me now. More than anything, I’m going to make one that looks and feels good too … and that’s final.

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