Monday, June 7, 2010

Hope and S'Myeloma

I realized that, a few posts ago, I forgot to provide a link to Don's blog. It's called Myeloma Hope. Don is the other myeloma blogger who was at ASCO, and I think his blog is much more informative than mine is. He has a really good post weighing the pros and cons of Revlimid maintenance therapy. Plus, Don eats all organic food, so he was probably paying closer attention to all of the presentations instead of thinking about M&Ms.

I also invite you to visit Sean's blog, Myeloma, Youreloma, because he gave me the "S'Myeloma Award" for my ASCO reporting. Heh heh. I totally think they should change the official name to S'Myeloma. Wouldn't that take the sting out of the bad news? You couldn't help but smile while being told you had S'Myeloma, could you?

I'm breaking out in multiple S'Myelomas right now.

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