Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I did it!

First, the good news: I successfully completed National Blog Posting Month and met my goal of posting every day! Hurrah! Sure, there were a few close calls -- like the time when I resorted to posting a Joey McIntyre video -- but I made it! Yay for me!

The bad news: I didn't win a prize. Dang. I really needed a sock zombie. Maybe next year.

Part of me wants to see how long I can keep up the daily blogging streak. Another part of me is afraid that after a while, daily blogging would turn into a chore, rather than something I really enjoy. I might go back to skipping a few days here or there, but at least this November experiment has gotten me back into the habit of blogging. I'm hoping to do it more often than I have in the past, sock zombie or no sock zombie.

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