Monday, December 28, 2009

Unexpected test and more

I spent a marathon afternoon at the hospital today. I was supposed to get my monthly infusion of zometa but the nurses were unable to access my port after trying four times (ow).

The infusion nurses paged my oncologist. He ordered an immediate specialized xray of the port through interventional radiology. Luckily they could see me right away.

Interventional radiology said I needed a new port. The doc was able to access it but found a clot beneath the port. They gave me a choice between Tuesday (tomorrow) and Wednesday -- then oops! we don't have a slot on Tuesday. So on Wednesday at 6:30 AM I report to the hospital to get a power port.

Assuming all goes smoothly, the procedure will take about an hour under conscious sedation (where you don't remember what they're doing but you can talk to the docs if they need you to). Then I spend an hour in recovery. They will leave my new power port accessed so I can get the zometa I was supposed to have today.

All in all Wednesday is looking like a long day. Oy. Happy new year to me!

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