Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bad News

I just read Bo's most recent blog post, the was so courageously written by his wife to keep us all informed about his progress. If you get a chance read it and leave a message for CJ, BJ, AJ (Christie, Bo, Addi) cancer is a long and difficult emotional battle with many peaks and valleys. By the way CJ describes BJ's current situation it sounds very, dire even. If you get a chance stop by his blog site and leave the family words of encouragement to cover their household in warmth and fend of the cold cruel circumstances cancers brings. Bo vs Bac
The recent developments with his health really worry me. There aren't many of us; by us I mean Lung cancer patients that received a life extending bi-lateral lung transplant. Understand you have to be considered medically terminal to receive this experimental treatment but you have to be healthy enough to recovery from this procedure too.
Leave the family comments, they warm the soul, but be respectful of those of us who are immune suppressed we know you care but care from a distance as it is the cold and flu season.

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