Thursday, October 1, 2009

Early Chemo Side Effects

Last night’s sleep was not too bad ... I woke up at 1:30am feeling really hot from the steroids. My cheeks were burning up. I got up and read blogs for about an hour where I cooled off really well. I jumped back into bed and fell asleep pretty quickly.

My chemo symptoms aren’t too bad yet. My vision is a bit blurred with watery eyes. My breathing is a bit laboured and I’m a bit weaker.

This cycle is the first cycle where I have not and plan not to take any Zofran, the anti-nausea drug. I have continually cut back on the pills because I do not seem to experience serious nausea but I do experience serious constipation. Today I had a regular bowel movement which is a small victory. My last cycle, I took one pill of the six prescribed pills. This cycle I plan on taking none, I may be so done with those things.

Oh yes, coffee still tastes pretty good too.

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