Friday, October 30, 2009

My off Friday

I was off today as we work 9/80 schedules on the job. For the first time in a long time I don't have to go to class, I am off, I am free, I don't have to study, the day is not really, but it sounded good.
  1. Get the girls ready and off to school
  2. Take my truck and get the tires rotated and balanced
  3. Pay some bills and run some errands
  4. Start some laundry
  5. Take my wife's car to get the tires rotated and balanced
  6. Go home and make two lunches
  7. Eat lunch with Raegan and DOMINATE the class during recess afterwards
  8. Hurry over to Ravyn's school and listen to story time and have lunch and talk about Halloween costumes with the pre-schoolers
  9. Run some more errands
  10. Get some snacks for the after school day care party
  11. go to the party (yes I was late)
  12. Hurry home to meet the cable guy, getting some more football channels "duh duh du duh"
  13. Go back to the school and pick up the cookie order (they couldn't find it)
  14. Go home wash more clothes
  15. Go back to the school and finally get the cookies
  16. Pick up the girls
  17. Bake pizzas with the girls
  18. Eat, watch noggin and take it easy it is Friday
  19. Get ready for the soccer game on Saturday

Need a nap

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