Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Return of the church van

It's official: I've been declared immortal by a medical professional.

This morning, Dr. GPO told me very enthusiastically -- and these were his exact words -- "YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO DIE!!!!"

Dr. GPO talks with a lot of capital letters and exclamation points. You gotta love Dr. GPO.

"Um," I said, "never?"

We both thought this was pretty funny. "I meant you'll never die of myeloma," he said. "You'll probably get run over by a church van first."

Again with the church van! I am now very, very paranoid about church vans. If your church is planning any kind of a trip, can you please contact me and let me know so that I can stay locked inside my home for the following 24 hours?

Anyway, all of my blood counts were good, and I'll get the M-spike results in a few days, probably next week. The cancer center was all out of flu shots, so I drove over to Target and got one at the pharmacy. I also found out that the myeloma qualifies me for the swine flu vaccine once it becomes available. I think what I really need is a church-van vaccine.

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